
Building in the Global South


We currently offer two types of workshops that focus on the topic of “Construction in Development Cooperation”. A key element here is the exchange based on previous experiences of the participants and discussion about specific past, current or future projects. In the context of workshops for which we receive funding, individual consultation is possible free of charge.


The 2-day workshop provides a general overview of various topics that play an important role in the successful implementation of construction projects. It combines presentations, exercises and group discussions and is aimed at a wide audience – from beginners to organisations that already have some projects behind them.


The 1-day workshop offers participants who already have experience in this field and would like to discuss specific topics and challenges in more detail the opportunity to exchange.


More information on both workshops can be found here.


Currently all the workshops are done in German, but we are developing a similar concept in English. Contact us if you are interested in attending. We look forward to receiving your email!

Contact: Ivan Rališ, ivan@we-building.org